
Sunday, September 14, 2008

iPhone in India - Status Update!

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Its been weeks since our gift of god to mankind iPhone 3G arrived in India. Intial rumors always suggested a Selling Price (subsidized as in U.S.) would be 9000 RS, but since the bloggers didnt quite know Steve Jobs and his bitten Apple … and a slew of overpriced Products, they WERE WRONG.

iPhone 3G arrived in India with a whopping 31,000 RS for 8gb and 36,000 RS for 16GB. Which is pretty much the unsubsidized rate. And to add to that, iPhone will BE LOCKED!

amm.. heres a lil suggestion to the careers of this offer : Vodafone and AirTel, So you thought u could dance? realy? with this price? targeting clever indian consumers? You’ve got to be kidding me!

The price is simply outrageous, preposturous! and caters only to the creams, tech enthusiasts.. which really seems to be the initial target the Networks.

But as expected, the Launch was OK!.. on the expected lines. “mediocre”

We can expect the prices to drop sometime in 09 the buyers dryout!

This is one of the best reasons why we all should be eagerly awaiting what Android OS and its device manufacturers will hold for us. Android : opensource hence free…. —-> cheaper mobile devices with great experience!

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