
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Google eyes Korean Blogging sector

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Google as acquired a Korean blogging software developer - Tatter and Company for an undisclosed amount. Every acquisition indicates a future prospect of a company!. Textcube is a blogging software platform and supposed to be very popular in Korea. Chang-Won Kim - co-ceo says “Korea is the world’s sixth largest market in terms of internet users, and yet Google has a market share that can only be described as ‘minor’ in Korea” furthur adding ”We’ve been googled” in his blog. Google gets to increase its market-share in Korea and Textcube would be introduced to the rest of the world. Thats a reasonable deal. “Google is an underdog in this part of the world” he says ..

Google has set its eyes on the blogging sector of Korea! And why shouldnt it? Numerous advertising oppertunities and search engine promotion in 6th largest market interms of internet users, greater control / generation of wealth and for us, my guess is - more innovation and more options!.

[ via Reuters ]

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